Monday, May 16, 2011

May I brag?

Sunday I was working on a project when the phone rang. It was one of my favorite granddaughters. We had a long chat and through much questioning out came a piece of news that I think should be shared by all her friends. I know she will never tell people. And so I will ask her if I may leak the news.

This granddaughter has gone through a rigorous series of classes, both mentally and physically draining. She finally told me that her written report had the highest grade ever given in her state. Or her test results were graded the highest ever in the state. She will have to correct what I reported. It was so thrilling to hear and I know all of you will agree with me, now that she will have to come 'out' and correct me.

Hope you will forgive me, dear granddaughter

Friday, May 13, 2011


Every time I fail I take several steps backward. and I have failed so many times in the last two months. Several times my failures were involved with the computer. My worst one was trying to get into a relationship with a hypnotist. Once people or machines say 'you are so stupid' or 'you are a hopeless case' I draw back into my shell and say' OK, I don't need this and I will go back to my security blanket and I will spend hours and hours on my idiotic knitting or embroidery or occasionally reading.

I wrote a blog entitled 'There are angels among us.' And my computer refused to send it. Some day I will tell you what had inspired me but the scar of the computer refusing it still hurts too much.

And then I finally worked up enough nerve to try contacting a hypnotist. I have thought about for months and then I called. A very friendly voice said ' I am with a client, but can I call you back. I w.ill call you within five minutes.' Again she said ' it will be less than five minutes.' She never called. I called two or three hours later to see what happened and there was no response. Why do you think I need a hypnotist? I just wanted to know if it might help with hyperextending my knees, improving my posture, walking straighter. If she had told me to go to a physical therapist instead, I would have been satisfied.

A friend brought me a DVD of the Swedish Larsson film and yesterday I tried to see it but the mechanics defeated me. I will try again.

I will try to blog even when I feel defeated by these enemies. I regularly feel very happy and I love my life here. I have planted two 'Upsi Daisy' tomatoes and a wonderful red flower that Amber gave me. That flower raised my spirits by yards. It is doing well by my front door.