Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Why did I stop in the middle of a sentence?

Just when I was ready to finish the Trek, my page turned dark and it said something I did not
understand from Google. I was afraid I would loose it all, so I waited for Martha, and sure enough she
knew what to do.I could not delay posting.

This is to thank all of you for being so understanding .All your kind words were so appreciated. Now I feel happy about the blog. There were some questions I wanted to respond to and I will try to do it eventually. One reader had relatives in Kalmar. The boat that delivered the berries to our area, passed by Kalmar on the way south. We called that kind of boat en SKUTA. When I grew up one could often see five or six SKUTOR lying waiting either to get unloaded or filled with whatever we had to sell the people up north. There were very few roads and very few trucks, so wind and water was the power used for transferring goods from one area to another.

I don't remember seeing large cranes doing the heavy lifting. Young men with huge muscles did the lifting/ I imagine there were even less machinery in my mother's childhood.

Historically,the windmill was built around the time my mother was a little girl. A man moved his family from Denmark to Viken and one of his daughters became my Paternal grandmother.


Anita said...

I suspected some computer problem was the cause of the interruption and am glad you did not lose what you had written. I am happy to wait for the next installment!

I want to tell you a little story about the 'small world' the internet makes for us. A young friend is on a business trip to Sweden this week and when I heard she was going, I told her to try to have some Swedish Princess Cake, which I had learned about from Shreve's blog and her sister's blog, as well. So today I got an email from my friend with a photograph of the Princess Cake they were given for dessert!

Anonymous said...

What vivid memories you document!! Although my grandmother was born in the U.S. in 1913, I always felt she had a strong connection to her Kalmar family. She visited with my aunt at one time--perhaps in the 1980s. There weren't many Lundins left when she visited, if I understand correctly. All that said, your stories provide me with a beautiful first-hand connection that may not be exact or similar to my family--but nevertheless paint pictures that help me to imagine. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

That last comment was from me, Jen!