Saturday, May 18, 2013

What happened

Blick ate her oatmeal slowly. She loved her daily breakfast and missed the time she had before she started School. All attention then was heaped on the older children and she could sit in and dream by her plate of mush. But suddenly she was aware of her mother being gone a long time. Where was she! Had she gone to the outhouse? She hurried finishing her meal, put her plate by the dish pan and decided to go find her.
The house was quiet. Her mother was nowhere in sight. She must be in the back of the house. Up the slight hill where the outhouse was located she saw the door open. So she knew her mother wasn't there. She must be in the school room.
She walked around the whole building. When she came to the front, the door opened and both her mother and father cam out. Blick rushed over to hug her mother's knees. Mama, I couldn't find you, and I was so worried about you.
Come with us. We will go out in the kitchen garden. We have something to tell you.
Come here. I want you to sit in my lap. What we have to tell you is not easy for us. We know how much you loved your kitten. The reason she did not wake up when you did, was because some time during the night she died from her injuries. It's alright to cry. but better it will be for you if you draw a picture for her. You can also write a letter to her. We know you do not know how to write grownup. But if you take a pencil and pretend to write, your cat will understand what you were trying to tell her. We will put it in her little box and bury it when we bury her. And come and ask for help if you need it. When you love some one as much as we love you this magic will work. Now give me a kiss. And give your father a kiss too. He will help you too.

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