Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Dentist II

I arrived downtown earlier than my appointment and decided to go to the book store first. I read every week the New York Time Book Review and there were a couple of books I wanted to see. I did not at that time know where the public Library was. In the book store it was easy to forget that time was passing. But luckily I roused myself from my reveries and tried to hurry out of the store. But coming into the store was a cute little old man, smiling and friendly looking. It was Albert Einstein. It was like running into George Washington. I wished I did not have to hurry away. But I left and hurried to the dentist office and I made it with one minute to spare.

I was out of breath when the dentist entered my cubicle. He said 'Why such a rush?' I told him whom I had nearly run over. He asked' did you see his feet.? I said no, why? He said Einstein never wears socks. I made a mental note to look at his feet if I ever saw him again.

After a check up of all my teeth I got the verdict. The repair of the front tooth and filling of four or five cavities, I would owe him $125.00. By todays standards that was practically a gift. He told me I could pay it in as small increments as I wished. I feel it was such a good decision I made that day. Seventy years later, I still have my pearly whites. About fifty years later my dentist and I had tracks that crossed.


Arinn said...

I have been keeping up on your writing and it is so interesting! I like how you end every entry with a little tidbit that hooks us and makes us want more.

Eileen said...

i see great writing runs in the family - and you're the head of the family. love this blog.

The Goddess said...

I totally would have blown off my dentist for a chance to make small talk with Einstein. He was such a cutie!

Emiana said...

Another wonderful story. Do you recall where was the bookstore? And the dentist? I love to hear about all the old NY places and to think about how, and if, they've changed over the years. I can't wait to hear about how you and the dentist reconnected years later. Thanks for telling us your story.

Anonymous said...

Amazing how you had chance encounters with two incredible figures in our history - Einstein and Garbo!
Thanks for this story...

Liz said...

and then?????

alisa said...

I look forward to reading your stories each morning and am so thankful you are sharing them with "complete strangers."

I laughed out loud twice during this post which prompted my co-workers to inquire as to what was so humorous. You now have three more loyal readers.

kiki said...

first garbo and now einstein?

did he look as loony as he looks in that famous photo of him?

I wonder who else have you met!

tell us tell us tell us, ahahaha

Anonymous said...

Gosh, I keep wondering who you are going to run into next. I have only seen one celebrity in my life time, Lauren Bacall....she is really beautiful! Anyway...left us wanting more again!!

Jodie said...

I'm now trying to read daily! Thanks for being so nice to share your memories with us.

hello haha narf said...

oh my dog, you saw einstein and didn't talk to him? didn't hug him?

yep, i would have been VERY late to the dentist. i mean, EINSTEIN!


Anonymous said...

I learned of your blog from the coyote blog and just now caught up on all your entries. I always wish my grandma would write about her youth, and your blog gives me that (just another grandma!) Thank you for writing.