Monday, August 11, 2008

good news

This is a letter to all who are reading my blogs.

Dear commenters

I saw my eye surgon for my yearly check-up this morning. I have macular degeneration, was told about it in 1983 when we moved here. It's has been like Domocle's sword hanging over my head. I would have been smart if I had learned Brail then.

The news this morning was Golden. She said: your eyes are so little changed since last year. What do you think you are doing that might be the cause of that?

I told her I eat blue berries almost every morning, either fresh or frozen. I take two I+CAPS, eye vitamins every day, and when I eat out, I always ask for a touch of spinach added.

The doctor said, I don't think your eyes willl get much worse, because there is literature out there telling us your kind of Diet can retard the development any further. My eyes were dilated, so kept me from celebrating on the way home. I did stop at Safeway to buy a huge container of fresh blue berries.

The reason for writing this? If you have relatives who have the beginnings of eithher Macular Degeneration, or Altsheimer my diet can't hurt them and I am living proof it could possibly be very advantageous. I am so happy I want to share my good news.

Grandma Svensto


Unknown said...

Wonderful news!

Melinda said...

Hooray for good news about your eyes! My grandma had macular degeneration and it was very frustrating for her. Blueberries and spinach are some of my favorites too. I am really enjoying reading your stories. Thank you for sharing them.

Danielle said...

I am so very happy for you!!

Also thank you so much for all your stories. They brighten my day when I read them and I hope I can remember my youth when I am older. Thanks to Shreve for introducing her Grandma to everyone!!!

Jenni said...

That's amazing to hear!

Thank you for writing here, your story is so lovely and it's wonderful to read.

BumbleVee said...

Oh, Svensto...I am so happy for you. My Mom was almost blind with macular degeneration... you are right feels like just waiting for the darn sword to fall. At the moment I have huge colonies of "floaters" interfering with my vision..but so far no MD... I am eating lots of blue berries right now...but out of season I never think of it...I am sure frozen will do the I will try to add them to my diet. Thanks for the tip and congrats on the eyes!

Pat Austin Becker said...

Am going to buy LOTS of blueberries!

Meghan said...

That is wonderful news!

Anonymous said...

blueberries! oh yay--that is great news!

Emiana said...

Excellent news, Svensto! Blueberries are delicious - I should incorporate them more into my diet.

Crys said...

spinach and blueberries are SuperFoods -- fantastic for you for so many reasons! and now i shall add "to prevent macular degeneration" to the list

Lizzy K said...

Fantastic news! And again thank you for writing the story of your life.

Cedar ... said...

Such good news about your eyes! I'm smiling as I read your wonderful post!

hello haha narf said...

i am thrilled to hear of your good news! so glad you shared.

my mother swore that the color blue was healing and she used it to help her battle cancer. blueberries are good food!

take care of you...


Liz said...

WOW! - Thank you for sharing your wonderful news!

...and second for "making" me look up "the sword of Damocles" - that was a new one for me.

I love blueberries - in my smoothie everyday...spinach in my morning scramble. I just like them, good to know how good they are for me!

Joan@CopperCreeker said...

Thanks for passing the info on to us. This will become part of mom's diet. She has Alzheimers.

Anonymous said...

Grandma Svensto, I am so enjoying reading your blog. It is like reading a novel, a bit every day. I am glad your diet is helping. The only thing I can suggest is vitamin A and/or carrots.

Karen Hargett said...

That's great news! Our eyesight is so precious - pass the spinach and blueberries please ;-)

I'm so enjoying your stories!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE your blog. I have never had the opportunity to have a grandma so your stories are especially nice. I am so glad to hear you are well!!

Unknown said...

Yea!! I'm sure you and your family are ecstatic about this news. Congratulations!

I LoVe blueberries ... used to actually pick the wild ones when I was a kid. It was always an exciting adventure .. filled with a healthy dose of fear of running into bears ... who also LoVe blueberries *lol*

powwy said...

Thank you for sharing your good news. My grandmother had macular degeneration that along with osteoporosis, kept her in a wheelchair. I have feared it as my own fate so on the advice of my opthalmalogist I eat a diet heavy in anti-oxidants. He said it may or may not work but overall it can't hurt. Your story, as someone who has already been diagnosed, is really encouraging. Your blog is fascinating as well!

Haphazardkat said...

Fantastic news!! I'm stopping off to get me some blueberries after work today :)

scargosun said...

That is WONDERFUL news! I am definitely going to do this and tell my Mom to do the same.

Anonymous said...

Good news, Grandma Svensto!

Anne said...

You precious lady! I'm just thrilled for you. Bring on the blueberries and spinach!

Anonymous said...

Great news, Grandma! Thank you for sharing your health secret.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Still loving your blog and your adventures!
Bet there was a run on Blueberries at the grocery stores :)

~ Bobbie

Plot Whisperer said...

The outpouring of love and respect for you, Grandma Svento, thickens my throat and swells my heart. You are a lucky lady, indeed. For many, many more reasons than just this.....

leapnlzrds said...

It's wonderful to hear your news.

Thanks so much for sharing your stories. You remind me so much of my grandparents. And I can't wait to hear more of your stories!!!!!!

Unknown said...

For more info on macular degeneration you may want to check out

kiki said...

reading this just made me love blueberries even more!

too bad they're hard to find here in brazil.

that is absolute great news!

and isn't it amazing how a proper diet can do wonders to our health? my dad is living proof of that.

Anonymous said...

GREAT news!!! Love reading your stories!!!

Jamie Welsh Watson said...

Well my eyes have a little tear in them at your very happy news. Thank you for sharing your stories and your current news with us! I feel so fortunate!

Marlene said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I have a friend here that had that and went blind..I will defiantely add blueberries to my diet from now on.. I LOVE spinach anything with it!! so thats good...I have the same issue as Shreve..and am on a gluten wheat free diet..I so miss bread...but i really never eat fruit..only watermelon which I am crazy for...thanks for sharing yoru diet...i am a firm believer in nutrition in helping the body heal itself! Marlene from Cambria

Mary said...

I love reading your stories. You are a very brave woman to come to a new country at such a young age.

My mother has macular degeneration and lost some vision, but she went through some treatment that has totally arrested the advancement of the disease. I could find out more for you if you would like.