Wednesday, August 20, 2008


This blog is aimed to tell you about my beautiful daughter Jane. Today is her birthday. I remember so clearly how thrilled I was the first time I saw her. She was tiny and pink and smiled when I looked into her eyes. She was born by Ceserean Section. There were dangers connected to her birth. The doctor had doubts about her safe delivery. The Rh factor affected her heart beat and we were all nervous.

She was healthy and we all said Thank You for tnis blessing. When my best friend saw her the first time she exclaimed Oh my. She looks exactly like a little rose bud.

She was a happy baby and a happy toddler. She had many friends in school. She became a librarian att the University of Oregon. She became the happy wife of her happy husband and their two children are happy to be included in this happy family.

Jane, Happy Birthday and thank you for being such a good friend.



hello haha narf said...

happy, happy day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jane! What a nice family -

Julien in NYC

Robin Norwood said...

Happy Birthday to Jane!

Rosy in MV said...

A good day indeed! There's nothing plain about your Jane, oh mother Svensto! The little rose bud continues to blossom and her happiness is shared all around.

Liz said...


Cedar ... said...

Happy birthday to you, Jane! I'm so enjoying your mother's writings!

Haphazardkat said...

Happy birthday to your Jane! :)

I shuddered at your washing story and vowed never to complain about doing laundry now!

(that vow will last about a week) *grin*

vancouver, WA

thecrazysheeplady said...

The 20th was my birthday too and cooincidentally I posted a picture of a pretty rose bud from my garden

I just delight in reading your blogspot. I came over from the Daily Coyote. Thank you for sharing!


Jane Ritter said...

Thank you to all of you, and most especially you, Mom! I had a great birthday and felt quite special to have a blog posting in my honor!

Plot Whisperer said...

You deserve all the attention and so much more!!