Thursday, February 7, 2013

Sale at the harbor

Blick, can you run down to the cellar to get the two biggest baskets. Put your gym shoes on. We have to walk fast. I will carry the baskets if you will carry my purse. But lets hurry. And go in to the class room and tell Father we are going to buy Lingonberries. And for him and Ivar to come to help us carry the berries and the sugar back home. Ask him to lay the fire in the stove and to haul up three of the largest Hoganas crocks. He will understand. This happens every time lingon berries are for sale. And then you and I will hurry as fast as we can.

Tears were coming to the surface of Blicken's eyes. No more dawdling. This is important. If we are late and the lingon berries are gone, our family will have about half of the vitamin C we need for the winter. Your sisters will be here to help with the cooking of the berries. Then you and Father can go and talk to the blacksmith.

I am so scared to talk to Father. He is big and so mean.

Hush. Don't let him hear you talk like that. He is doing what he feels is right to make you grow up to be a decent, honest woman.  Tie your eft shoe again and then let's go.

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